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Browse backed up DocumentDB snapshots

This operation browses and returns backed up Document DB snapshots

Request Body
  • entity object
  • displayName string

    Name of cloud account

  • clientId integer
  • instanceName string required

    Name of instance

  • appName string
  • applicationId integer
  • clientName string required

    Name of cloud account

  • instanceId integer
  • startTime integer required

    Start time from when to browse snapshots

  • endTime integer required

    End time till which to browse snapshots

  • includeAgedData integer
  • copyPrecedence integer
  • regionCode string required

    Name of AWS region



  • snapList object[]
  • copyId integer
  • commcellId integer
  • createTime integer
  • dbName string
  • dbType string
  • archFileId integer
  • snapShotName string
  • status integer
  • rdsAttributes object
  • vpcSecurityGroup string
  • instanceType string
  • parameterGroup string
  • availabilityZone string
  • service string
  • dbSubnetGroup string