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Create DynamoDB table group

Creates DynamoDB table group.

Request Body
  • subClientProperties object
  • subClientEntity object required
  • clientName string required

    Name of the cloud account

  • instanceName string required

    Name of the Instance for which Table group has to be created

  • displayName string
  • instanceId integer

    ID of the instance

  • instanceGUID string
  • clientId integer
  • appName string
  • applicationId integer required

    Default value: 134

  • entityInfo object
  • companyId integer
  • companyName string
  • multiCommcellId integer
  • backupsetId integer required

    ID of Backupset

  • subclientId integer
  • subclientName string required

    Name of Table group to be created

  • commonProperties object
  • numberOfBackupStreams integer

    Number of streams

  • planEntity object
  • planId integer

    ID of the plan to associate

  • contentOperationType integer
  • cloudAppsSubClientProp object
  • instanceType string
  • cloudDbContent object required

    Names of table to associate to Table group

  • children object[]
  • displayName string
  • name string

    Name of the table.

  • path string

    Path of the table

  • type string

    Type of table content

  • allOrAnyChildren boolean

    Default value: true

  • negation boolean

    Table rule for content selection



  • processinginstructioninfo object
  • attributes object[]
  • name string
  • value string
  • response object
  • warningCode integer
  • errorCode integer
  • warningMessage string
  • entity object
  • subclientId integer
  • _type_ integer