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Fetch cloud database instances

This operation returns the list of cloud PaaS instances configured in AWS.

Query Parameters
  • clientId integer required

    Id of the cloud Account

  • appType integer required

    Possible values: [125, 104, 22]

    Id of the App Type. 104-MySQL/MariaDB, 125-PostgreSQL, 22-Oracle, 81-MSSQL

  • cloudDBEngineType integer

    Possible values: >= 1 and <= 5

    Id of the Database Engine Type. 1-PostgreSQL, 2-Aurora PostgreSQL, 3-MySQL, 4-Aurora MySQL, 5-MariaDB (Not needed for Oracle and MSSQL)

  • regionId integer

    Id of the region, Use select region to get ID. Application for SaaS

  • backupgateways string

    Comma separated backupGateway Client IDs. Application for SaaS



  • rdsDBInstances object[]
  • allocatedStorage integer
  • dbName string
  • regionName string
  • readReplicaSourceDBInstanceIdentifier string
  • availabilityZone string
  • preferredBackupWindow string
  • dbInstanceStatus string
  • secondaryAvailabilityZone string
  • engine string
  • iops integer
  • publiclyAccessible boolean
  • engineVersion string
  • masterUsername string
  • isMultAZ boolean
  • dbInstanceIdentifier string
  • vpcSecurityGroup string
  • characterSetName string
  • instanceCreateTime integer
  • dBInstanceClass string
  • dbSecurityGroup string
  • endPoint string
  • port integer
  • licenseModel string
  • preferredMaintenanceWindow string
  • backupRetentionPeriod integer
  • dbSubnetGroup string
  • autoMinorVersionUpgrade boolean
  • latestRestorableTime integer