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Create SIEM Connector

This API creates a new SIEM Connector. For more details click here

Request Body
  • opType integer required

    Default value: 1

    1 for create 2 for update

  • connectorName string required

    SIEM Connector Name

  • connectorEntityType integer required

    Possible values: [1, 2]

    1 for Syslog 2 for webhook

  • connectorEntityId integer required

    Id of the entity (webhook id or syslogserver id)

  • enabled boolean required

    Flag to enable or disable

  • connectorPolicy object[] required

    List of connector policy

  • enabled boolean required

    Flag to enable or disable the policy

  • dataType string required

    Possible values: [ALERTS, AUDIT, EVENTS]

  • template string

    You must provide the template that is suitable for the particular third-party webhook application that you configured. Get the template from API . Only needed for webhook SIEM connector



  • errorMessage string
  • errorCode integer