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Update the MongoDB instance with Discovery of nodes response

This operation is used to update the MongoDB Instance properties with the discovery of nodes response

Path Parameters
  • instanceId integer required

    Id of the Oracle instance to be browsed

Request Body required

Request Body

  • instanceProperties object
  • description string
  • isDeleted boolean

    Default value: false

  • applicationSize integer
  • excludeFromSLA boolean

    Default value: false

  • scIdxEnabled integer
  • instance object
  • clientName string required

    MongoDB instance client name

  • instanceName string required

    MongoDB instance name

  • displayName string required

    MongoDB instance display name

  • appName string

    Default value: Big Data Apps

  • securityAssociations object
  • ownerAssociations object
  • tagWithCompany object
  • providerDomainName string
  • distributedClusterInstance object
  • clusterType integer

    Default value: 8

  • opType integer

    Default value: 2

  • instance object
  • instanceName string required

    MongoDB instance name

  • instanceId integer required

    MongoDB instance id

  • clusterConfig object
  • mdbConfig object
  • mdbServerType integer

    Default value: 4

  • adminUser object
  • userName string required

    MongoDB user if authentication is enabled on the MongoDB instance

  • masterNode object
  • hostName string required

    Master node hostname

  • osUser string required

    OS user used for impersonation

  • portNumber integer required

    Port number of the MongoDB process or Mongos process running on the master node

  • binPath string required

    Path where MongoDb binaries are present in the master node

  • client object
  • hostName string required

    Master node hostname

  • clientName string required

    Master node client name

  • sslCMCredInfo object
  • credentialName string
  • mdbServerList object[] required

    MongoDB discovery of nodes response

  • hostName string
  • role integer
  • health integer
  • mdbVersion string
  • portNumber integer
  • dataPath string
  • configFilePath string
  • bindIp string
  • logPath string
  • repsetName string
  • configFileContents string
  • subType integer
  • engineName string
  • isLoggingEnabled boolean
  • memberId integer
  • client object
  • clientId integer
  • clientName string
  • _type_ integer
  • instanceActivityControl object
  • activityControlOptions object[]
  • activityType integer
  • enableAfterADelay boolean
  • enableActivityType boolean
  • security object
  • associatedUserGroups object[]
  • userGroupName string
  • advancedPrivacySettings object
  • isPasskeyFeatureEnabled boolean
  • authType integer
  • isPrivacyFeatureEnabled boolean
  • passkeySettings object
  • enableAuthorizeForRestore boolean
  • expirationTime object
  • ownerCapabilities object
  • cloudDBInstance object
  • overRideAccessNode boolean
  • accessNodes object
  • association object
  • entity object[]
  • instanceName string required

    MongoDB instance name

  • appName string

    Default value: Big Data Apps

  • clientName string required

    MongoDB instance client name



  • processinginstructioninfo object
  • attributes object[]
  • name string
  • value string
  • response object[]
  • warningCode integer
  • errorCode integer
  • warningMessage string
  • entity object
  • subclientId integer
  • clientId integer
  • instanceName string
  • instanceId integer
  • _type_ integer