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Update the Azure Cosmos DB Cassandra API instance subclient properties

This operation is used to update the Azure Cosmos DB Cassandra api Instance subclient properties

Path Parameters
  • subclientId integer required

    Subclient Id of the Azure Cosmos DB Cassandra API instance to be updated

Request Body required

Request Body

  • subClientProperties object
  • cloudAppsSubClientProp object
  • instanceType string
  • cloudDbContent object
  • children object[]
  • allOrAnyChildren boolean
  • name string
  • type string
  • path string
  • displayName string
  • negation boolean
  • planEntity object
  • planId integer
  • association object
  • entity object[]
  • subclientId integer


  • processinginstructioninfo object
  • attributes object[]
  • name string
  • value string
  • response object[]
  • warningCode integer
  • errorCode integer
  • warningMessage string