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Create Subclient

Create a Subclient for a file server.

Request Body
  • subClientProperties object
  • subClientEntity object required

    Subclient Entity

  • clientId integer required

    Client Id

  • clientName string required

    Client Name

  • applicationId integer required

    Application ID. 33 for FileSystem

  • backupsetId integer required

    BackupSet ID. Retrieve it using Get Backupset API

  • backupsetName string required

    BackupSet Name

  • subclientName string

    Name of the new subclient

  • planEntity object

    Plan association

  • planId integer

    Plan ID

  • content object[]

    Array of paths and exclude paths to override backup content. path, excludePath, includePath are mutually exclusive . See examples for more info

  • path string

    Content path to backup

  • excludePath string

    Content path to exclude from backup

  • includePath string

    Add an exception to a path that should be protected

  • commonProperties object
  • description string

    Description of the subclient

  • enableBackup boolean

    Flag to enable or disable backups

  • numberOfBackupStreams integer

    Default value: 4

    Number of backup streams default

  • prepostProcess object
  • preBackupCommand string

    Path to the script to run before backup

  • postBackupCommand string

    Path to the script to run after backup

  • contentOperationType string

    Possible values: [ADD]

    Content operations type

  • useLocalContent boolean required

    Set to true for override backup content inherited from plan

  • fsSubClientProp object
  • useGlobalFilters string

    Possible values: [ON, OFF, USE_CELL_LEVEL_POLICY]



  • processinginstructioninfo object
  • attributes object[]
  • name string
  • value string
  • response object
  • warningCode integer
  • errorCode integer
  • warningMessage string
  • entity object
  • subclientId integer

    Id of the created subclient

  • _type_ string