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Get Users

Get All Users

Query Parameters
  • laptopUsers boolean

    Returns only laptop users when set to true. This param is only effective when EdgeMode header is passed.

  • userGroupId integer

    Returns the list of users associated to the userGroupId provided.



  • numberOfUsers int32
  • users object[]
  • id int32

    User id

  • name string

    The user name of the user.

  • GUID string

    globally unique identifier

  • email string

    Email-id of the user. This email-id can be used for logging in the user.

  • fullName string

    full name of the user

  • plan object
  • id int32
  • name string
  • enabled boolean

    Gives information on whether the user is enabled or disabled.

  • lockInfo object
  • isLocked boolean

    Returns if the user is locked or unlocked.

  • startTime int32

    If the user is locked, it returns user lock start time in unix time format.

  • endTime int32

    If the user is locked, it returns user lock end time in unix time format.

  • numberOfLaptops int32

    Returns the number of laptops associated with the user

  • company object
  • id int32
  • name string
  • commcell object
  • name string

    Name of the commcell the entity belongs to.

  • userPrincipalName string

    User Principal Name(UPN) of the user. This User Principal Name can be used for logging in the user.
