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Modify Backup Destination for a Plan

Path Parameters
  • planId int32 required

    Id of the Plan to modify

  • BackupDestinationId int32 required

    Id of the backupDestination to be modified

Request Body
  • newName string

    New name for backup destination

  • sourceCopy object
  • id int32
  • name string
  • enableDataAging boolean

    Tells if this copy has data aging enabled

  • retentionPeriodDays int32

    Possible values: >= 1 and <= 9999

    Retention period in days. -1 can be specified for infinite retention.

  • overrideRetentionSettings boolean

    Tells if this copy should use storage pool retention period days or the retention defined for this copy. Set as true to use retention defined on this copy.



  • planBackupDestination object[]

    List of destinations effected or created

  • id int32
  • name string
  • failedDestinations string[]

    List of destinations for which the operation failed

  • error object
  • errorMessage string
  • errorCode int32