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Update User Group Details

Modify the properties of an existing user-group

Path Parameters
  • userGroupId int32 required

    Id of the user-group to update

Request Body
  • newName string

    gives a new name to the user group.

  • newDescription string

    gives a new description to the user group.

  • laptopPlan object
  • id int32
  • name string
  • planOperationType string

    Possible values: [ADD, DELETE]

    determines if an existing user has to be added to the user group or removed from the user group

  • enabled boolean

    allows the enabling/disabling of the user group.

  • enforceFSQuota boolean

    determines if a data limit will be set for the user group.

  • quotaLimitInGB int32

    if enforceFSquota is enabled, the quota limit can be provided in GBs

  • enableTwoFactorAuthentication string

    Possible values: [ON, OFF, DISABLED_AT_COMPANY]

    Allows two-factor authentication to be enabled for the specific types of usergroups. it can be turned on or off based on user preferences. There will be usergroups that will not have this option.

  • enableLocalAuthentication string

    Possible values: [ON, OFF, DISABLED_AT_COMPANY]

    Allows two-factor authentication to be enabled for the specific types of usergroups. it can be turned on or off based on user preferences. There will be usergroups that will not have this option.

  • associatedExternalGroups object[]
  • id int32
  • name string
  • externalUserGroupsOperationType string

    Possible values: [ADD, DELETE, OVERWRITE]

    Default value: ADD

    Allows adding, deleting or overwriting associated external user groups of a user group. Default is adding associated external user groups

  • laptopAdmins boolean

    When set to true, users in this group cannot activate or be set as server owner

  • associatedLocalGroups object[]
  • id int32
  • name string
  • localUserGroupsOperationType string

    Possible values: [ADD, DELETE, OVERWRITE]

    Default value: ADD

    Allows adding, deleting or overwriting associated local user groups of a user group. Default is adding associated local user groups

  • users object[]
  • id int32
  • name string
  • userOperationType string

    Possible values: [ADD, DELETE]

    determines if an existing user has to be added to the user group or removed from the user group

  • allowMultipleCompanyMembers boolean

    Default value: false

    This property can be used to allow addition of users/groups from child companies. Only applicable for commcell and reseller company group.

  • consoleTypeOperationType string

    Possible values: [ADD, DELETE, OVERWRITE]

  • restrictConsoleTypes object
  • consoleType ConsoleTypes[]


  • azureGUID string

    Azure Object ID used to link this user group to Azure AD group and manage group membership of the user during SAML login



  • errorMessage string
  • errorCode int32