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Update AD/LDAP

Update an AD/LDAP domain

Path Parameters
  • domainId int32 required

    ID of the AD/LDAP domain

Request Body

Properties of the domain to be updated

  • directoryType string required


    Directory type of an AD/LDAP domain

  • host string

    The fully qualified domain name that you use to identify this network resource. Required only if directoryType is LDAP_SERVER

  • OSXServerName string

    The fully qualified domain name that you use to identify this network resource. Required only if directoryType is APPLE_DIRECTORY_SERVICE

  • NETBIOSName string

    The fully qualified domain name that you use to identify this network resource. Required only if directoryType is ACTIVE_DIRECTORY, OPEN_LDAP or ORACLE_DIRECTORY

  • name string required

    The fully qualified domain name, for example,

  • username string

    The username for a user who has at least read permission for the domain

  • password string

    Password for the domain user. Should be in Base64 encoded format.

  • baseDNForCardUsers string

    Base DN for card users

  • useSecureLDAP boolean

    Boolean to indicate if the app use secure LDAP. Valid only for directory types - ACTIVE_DIRECTORY, ORACLE_DIRECTORY and LDAP_SERVER.

  • enableSSO boolean

    Denotes if SSO should be enabled for the domain. Valid only for ACTIVE_DIRECTORY.

  • accessViaClient boolean

    Denotes if the domain is to be accessed via a proxy

  • proxies object[]

    List of proxies used to connect to the domain. Available only if accessViaClient is true.

  • id int32
  • name string
  • LDAPQueryParameters object[]

    List of overridden query parameters for the LDAP domain. Valid only if the directory type is LDAP_SERVER

  • id int32 required

    ID of the attribute

  • name string

    Name of the attribute

  • value string required

    Current value of the attribute

  • defaultValue string

    Default value of the attribute

  • isOverridden boolean

    Denotes if the value of the attribute is overridden

  • attributeMap object[]

    List of overridden attribute mappings for the LDAP domain. Valid only if the directoryType is LDAP_SERVER.

  • id int32 required

    ID of the attribute

  • name string

    Name of the attribute

  • value string required

    Current value of the attribute

  • defaultValue string

    Default value of the attribute

  • isOverridden boolean

    Denotes if the value of the attribute is overridden



  • errorMessage string
  • errorCode int32