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Modify Email Templates

This operation modifies the email templates

Path Parameters
  • EmailTemplateId integer required

    Id of Email Template

Request Body
  • name string

    Name of template

  • description string

    Description of template

  • emailTemplateId integer

    Id of template

  • emailTemplateTypeId integer

    Id of template type

  • ownerCompany object
  • providerId integer

    Company id

  • locale object
  • localeId integer

    Locale id

  • from object
  • fullName string

    From name

  • email string

    From email

  • cc string

    cc addresses

  • bcc string

    bcc addresses

  • subject string

    Subject of mail

  • emailBody string

    Body of mail

  • isDefault boolean

    True if email template is default



  • emailTemplateEntity object
  • emailTemplateId integer

    Id of email template

  • error object
  • errorMessage string

    Error message

  • errorCode integer

    Error code
