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Get Partner By Id

Get Partner By Id

Path Parameters
  • partnerId string required


  • data object
  • name string

    Partner Name

  • externalId string

    Partner ID in MSP system

  • website string

    Partner website

  • contacts object[]

    Partner contacts

  • type string

    Default value: primary

    Contact type.We currently support "primary" type only.

  • email string

    Contact email. It needs to be a valid email and unique in Metallic.

  • firstName string

    Contact first name

  • lastName string

    Contact last name

  • address object

    Contact address

  • addressLine1 string

    Street address

  • addressLine2 string

    Street address continued

  • city string


  • state string

    This field is required when country is United States, otherwise is optional. If provided, it must be ISO standard code or name.

  • country string


  • postalCode string

    Postal Code

  • workloadAccess boolean

    Access to manage accounts
