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List Accounts

List all accounts with filter, sort and pagination support.

Response Body

dataList of AccountsAccount Objects (Get Account by Id - Response Body) ArraySee - Get Account by Id - Account Object (Response Body)
metadataList account metadataMetadata ObjectSee - Metadata Object
Metadata Object
filterFilter string that contains search parametersString
sortSort string that contains sorting criteriaString
paginationPagination InfoPagination ObjectSee - Pagination Object
Pagination Object
pageNumberPage numberInteger0 to x
pageSizePage sizeInteger
totalRecordsTotal number of recordsInteger
Query Parameters
  • filter string

    Optional - Filter. searchTerm - matches account name and contact email containing searchTerm value.
    Apart from searchTerm filter can also be applied on fields like id, notId (For exclusion), orgId (maps to mspId/resellerId/distiId), partnetId (maps to resellerId), resellerId, type.
    Other account root elements can also be used as filters like name, status, domain, website, externalCustomerId etc.

  • sort string

    Optional - Sort order. default desc:updateTs

  • pageNumber int32

    Optional - Page number >= 0. default 0

  • pageSize int32

    Optional - Size of each page. default 25

