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Update Account

This API is used to update account details (like name, website etc), admin contact details (like admin contact first name, last name, email) or address of an account.

Updating account is an asynchronous process - status changes to updating once update is initiated. If update succeeds then status becomes active, otherwise status becomes update_failure.

To update the admin contact, you must specify the firstName, lastName and email. If all three admin contact fields (firstName, lastName and email) are ommitted then admin contact is not updated.

To update address, you must specify the address section. If address section is entirely omitted from the request, then address is not updated. To set a null value for a specific address attribute, explicitly set it to null.

Request Body

externalIdAccount id in Partner systemString / UUIDTrueNeeds to be unique in Partner system.
nameAccount nameStringTrueNeeds to be unique in Partner system.
websiteAccount websiteStringFalseExplicitly set this to null if this field needs to be removed.
contactsAccount contactsContact Objects ArrayTrueSee - Contact Object
Contact Object
emailContact emailStringTrueRequired while updating admin contact
firstNameContact firstnameStringTrueRequired while updating admin contact
lastNameContact lastnameStringTrueRequired while updating admin contact
addressContact addressAddress ObjectFalseSee - Address Object. Explicitly set this to null if this field needs to be removed.
phoneContact phone numberStringFalseExplicitly set this to null if this field needs to be removed.
Address Object
addressLine1Address line 1StringFalseExplicitly set this to null if this field needs to be removed.
addressLine2Address line 2StringFalseExplicitly set this to null if this field needs to be removed.
cityAddress cityStringFalseExplicitly set this to null if this field needs to be removed.
stateAddress stateStringFalseExplicitly set this to null if this field needs to be removed.
countryAddress countryStringFalseExplicitly set this to null if this field needs to be removed.
postalCodeAddress postal codeStringFalseExplicitly set this to null if this field needs to be removed.

Response Body

Same as 'Get Account by Id - Response Body (Account Object)'

Path Parameters
  • id string required
Request Body required


    • data object
    • id string
    • status string
    • insertTs string
    • updateTs string
    • externalId string
    • name string
    • website string
    • provisionCountry string
    • contacts object[]
    • type string
    • email string
    • firstName string
    • lastName string
    • address object
    • addressLine1 string
    • addressLine2 string
    • city string
    • state string
    • country string
    • postalCode string
    • type string
    PATCH /api/v1/partner/accounts/:id    



    Click Edit to configure Base URL
    Bearer Token
    id — path required
    Body required

    curl -L -X PATCH '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -H 'Accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>' \
    --data-raw ''