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Create Salesforce Organization

This operation is used to create Salesforce organization

Request Body
  • organizationName string required

    Name of the Organization

  • plan object
  • planName string required

    Name of the plan to be associated

  • planId integer required

    Id of the plan to be associated

  • entityInfo object
  • companyId integer required

    Id of the Company to associate this client

  • companyName string

    Default value: Commcell

    Name of the Company to associate this client

  • multiCommcellId integer
  • accessNodes object[]
  • client object
  • clientId integer required

    Id of the Client to use as Access Node

  • clientName string required

    Name of the Client to use as Access Node

  • _type_ integer
  • clientGroupName string

    Client Group Name

  • clientGroupId integer

    Id of the Client Group

  • salesforceAccount object
  • environmentType integer

    Possible values: <= 1

    Salesforce Environment Ex: Production-0, Sandbox-1

  • authenticationType integer required

    Possible values: >= 1 and <= 2

    Authentication Type Ex: Oauth-1, Username and Password-2

  • userCredentials object
  • userName string required

    Username of the Salesforce User

  • password string required

    Base64 encoded password of Salesforce User

  • consumerId string required

    Consumer Key of the connected APP

  • consumerSecret string required

    Base64 encoded Consumer Secret of the connected APP

  • endpoint string

    Default value:

    Salesforce endpoint

  • token string

    API token for Salesforce User

  • downloadCachePath string required

    Download cache path

  • syncDatabase object
  • dbEnabled boolean required

    Default value: true

    Set true to use SyncDB

  • dbType string required

    Default value: 3

    Database type

  • dbHost string required

    Database host

  • dbPort string required

    Database port

  • dbName string required

    Database name

  • dbUserPassword object
  • userName string required

    Username of DB user

  • password string required

    Base64 encoded Password of DB User

  • dbInstance string

    SQLServer instance

  • useResourcePoolInfo boolean

    Default value: false

    Use Resource Pool linked with Plan



  • processinginstructioninfo object
  • attributes object[]
  • name string
  • value string
  • response object
  • errorCode integer
  • entity object
  • clientId integer

    Client Id for the created Salesforce organization

  • clientName string

    Name of the created Salesforce organization

  • _type_ integer