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Update Schedule Policy Entity Associations

This operation adds, excludes, or removes entity associations on a schedule policy. All TimeZone Ids

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Request Body
  • taskInfo object
  • taskOperation int32

    Default value: 5

    Update task

  • associations object[]

    You define the schedule policy entities in this

  • clientName string

    The name of the client.

  • backupsetName string

    The name of the backup set.

  • appName string

    The name of the application. Click more details to view all appNames

  • subclientName string

    The name of the subclient.

  • instanceId int32

    The system-generated ID assigned to the instance.

  • flags object

    The option to exclude an entity from an association.

  • exclude boolean
  • task object
  • task object
  • taskName string

    The name of the schedule policy


