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Update Subclient Properties

This operation updates the properties associated with a subclient.

More Details

Path Parameters
  • subclientId string required
Request Body
  • subClientProperties object
  • fsIncludeFilterOperationType integer

    The type of operation to update the inclusion filters in the file system subclient backup job.

  • fsExcludeFilterOperationType integer
  • fsContentOperationType integer
  • useLocalContent boolean
  • fsSubClientProp object
  • useGlobalFilters integer
  • customSubclientContentFlags integer
  • backupSystemState boolean
  • customSubclientFlag boolean
  • openvmsBackupDate boolean
  • includePolicyFilters boolean
  • content object[]
  • path string
  • excludePath string


  • processinginstructioninfo object
  • attributes object[]
  • name string
  • value string
  • response object[]
  • warningCode integer
  • errorCode integer
  • warningMessage string