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Get AD/LDAP Details


Customer Managed

Get detail of the AD/LDAP domain

Path Parameters
  • domainId int32 required

    ID of the AD/LDAP domain



  • id int32
  • name string
  • domainName string

    Domain to which the users are associated

  • directoryType string


    Directory type of an AD/LDAP domain

  • credentials string

    Username of the domain user used to connect to the domain

  • company object
  • id int32
  • name string
  • users int32

    Number of users in the domain

  • userGroups int32

    Number of user groups in the domain

  • baseDNForCardUsers string

    Base DN for card users. Available only if domainType is ACTIVE_DIRECTORY.

  • useSecureLDAP boolean

    Boolean to indicate if the identity server uses secure LDAP

  • enableSSO boolean

    Denotes if SSO is enabled

  • accessViaClient boolean

    Denotes if the domain is accessed via a proxy

  • proxies object[]

    List of proxies used to connect to the domain. Available only if accessViaClient is true.

  • id int32
  • name string
  • LDAPQueryParameters object[]

    List of query parameters for the LDAP domain. Available only if the directory type is LDAP_SERVER

  • id int32

    ID of the attribute

  • name string

    Name of the attribute

  • value string

    Current value of the attribute

  • defaultValue string

    Default value of the attribute

  • isOverridden boolean

    Denotes if the value of the attribute is overridden

  • attributeMap object[]

    List of attribute mappings for the LDAP domain. Available only if the directoryType is LDAP_SERVER.

  • id int32

    ID of the attribute

  • name string

    Name of the attribute

  • value string

    Current value of the attribute

  • defaultValue string

    Default value of the attribute

  • isOverridden boolean

    Denotes if the value of the attribute is overridden

  • globalConfigInfo object

    Only applicable on Global CommCells

  • id string
  • name string
  • commcells object[]

    List of Service CommCells where the global configuration is applied

  • id int32
  • name string
  • guid string
  • scope string

    The entity level at which the config is applied.

  • scopeFilterQuery string

    CommCellEntityCache filter query string used for filtering the scope

  • applyOnAllCommCells boolean

    Decides whether the global configuration should be applied to all the Service commcells, including the newly created ones

  • isMarkedForDeletion boolean

    Indicates whether global configuration deletion has been started.

  • status string