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Create a Media Agent


Customer Managed

To install MediaAgent package on a server

Request Body

Server information where you want to install MediaAgent package.

  • hostNames string[] required

    Possible values: >= 1

    Host names where MediaAgent package is required to be installed

  • username string required

    Username to access hostnames

  • password string

    password should be in base64 encoded string. password is optional only if SSHKeyFilePassphrase is specified

  • OSType string

    Possible values: [WINDOWS, UNIX]

    Default value: WINDOWS

  • installLocation string

    Holds install path according to the chosen OSType

  • rebootIfRequired boolean

    Default value: false

  • SSHKeyPath string

    Applicable only for Unix OSType. Path provided should be valid on the CommServ Client

  • SSHKeyFilePassphrase string

    Applicable only for Unix OSType and should be in base64 encoded string



  • jobId string