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Modify existing laptop plan details


Customer Managed

Modify existing laptop plan details

Path Parameters
  • planId int32 required

    Id of the plan

Request Body
  • newName string

    New plan name to update

  • general object
  • optimizedForCloudBackups boolean

    This feature allows laptops to write backup directly to the cloud storage. It helps to optimize scale by reducing server dependency and extra data hops. Once the feature is enabled, the existing and the newly-added laptops use optimized backups.

  • allowedFeatures object

    Create/modify allowed features of laptop plan

  • edgeDrive boolean

    Default value: false

    Flag to enable Edge Drive

  • edgeDriveSettings object
  • createNewIndexServer boolean required

    If set to false, uses existing edge index server and requires IndexServer IdName to be passed. If set to true, requires client IdName and indexCachePath to create a new Index Server.

  • indexServer object
  • id int32
  • name string
  • client object
  • id int32
  • name string
  • indexCachePath string
  • auditDriveOperations boolean

    Default value: true

    Enable auditing which logs the activities based on user interaction like creating, editing, moving, renaming, downloading or deleting files.

  • notificationsForShares boolean

    Default value: true

    Enables alert notification feature which allows the share user or share owner to subscribe for share notifications when any activities are performed on the Edge Drive or the Collaborative share. The user can receive the notifications on the Web Console or as an email notification.

  • edgeDriveQuota int32

    Default value: -1

    Maximum number of gigabytes that you can store in the Edge Drive. Giving value as -1 means no quota.

  • DLP boolean

    Default value: true

    Flag to enable Data loss protection

  • archiving boolean

    Default value: false

    Flag to enable archiving of laptop data

  • archivingRules object

    These rules are enforced only when archiving is set to true

  • startCleaningIfLessThan int32

    Default value: 50

    When free disk space falls below specified amount (in percentage), start cleaning up the disk

  • stopCleaningIfupto int32

    Default value: 80

    When free disk space more than specified amount (in percentage), stop cleaning up the disk

  • fileAccessTimeOlderThan int32

    Default value: 90

    To archive files based on the last accessed date of each file within the folder, specify the number of days

  • fileModifiedTimeOlderThan int32

    Default value: 90

    To archive files based on the last modified date of each file within the folder, specify the number of days

  • fileCreatedTimeOlderThan int32

    To archive files based on the time the files were created within the folder, specify the number of days

  • fileSizeGreaterThan int32

    Default value: 1024

    To archive files based on the size of the file, specify the minimum file size in KB. All files whose size ranges between the minimum and maximum values are archived.

  • maximumFileSize int32

    To archive files based on the size of the file, specify the maximum file size in KB. All files whose size ranges between the minimum and maximum values are archived.

  • archiveReadOnlyFiles boolean

    Default value: false

    To archive files based on the Read-Only attribute, set to TRUE

  • afterArchiving


    After an archive job, replace the file that meets the archiving rules with a stub or delete the file that meets the archiving rules

  • rpo object
  • backupFrequency int32

    Specify incremental backup frequency in minutes. Backup operation will start as per the time zone of the associated server.

  • SLA object

    A server meets SLA (Service Level Agreement) when all of its subclients have at least one successful backup during the number of days specified at the CommCell, Server Group or plan level.

  • useSystemDefaultSLA boolean

    Flag to set to use System Default Service Level Agreement

  • SLAPeriod int32

    SLA Period in Days

  • excludeFromSLA boolean

    Flag to set to exclude plan from SLA

  • enableAfterDelay int32

    Time provided in Unix format. Give 0 to reset any existing delay.

  • exclusionReason string

    Reason for exclusion from SLA

  • logSLAMinutes int32

    Database log SLA period in Minutes

  • backupContent object
  • windowsIncludedPaths string[]

    Default value: Desktop,Documents,MigrationAssistant

    Paths to include for Windows

  • windowsExcludedPaths string[]

    Default value: <WKF,AppData>,<WKF,LocalAppData>,Disk Images,Executable,Temporary Files (Windows),C:\Program Files,C:\Program Files (x86),C:\Windows

    Paths to exclude for Windows

  • macIncludedPaths string[]

    Default value: Desktop,Documents,MigrationAssistant

    Paths to include for Mac

  • macExcludedPaths string[]

    Default value: Disk Images,Executable,Temporary Files (Mac),/Library,<WKF,Library>

    Paths to exclude for Mac

  • unixIncludedPaths string[]

    Default value: Desktop,Documents

    Paths to include for UNIX

  • unixExcludedPaths string[]

    Default value: Disk Images,Executable,Temporary Files (Linux)

    Paths to exclude for UNIX

  • fileSystemQuota int32

    Default value: -1

    Maximum number of gigabytes that you can store in the File System. Giving value as -1 means infinite file system quota.

  • retention object
  • deletedItemRetention int32

    Default value: 730

    Amount of days after deletion of files to keep the items. Giving value as -1 means to retain files indefinitely.

  • fileVersions object

    Can retain file versions for one of following three cases: days versions custom versions (daily, weekly monthly) If not defined then, 5 versions are considered the default setting.

  • days int32

    Retain files for this many days. Year(s) or month(s) need to be converted to day(s)

  • versions int32

    Default value: 5

    Retain this many file versions. This is considered as default if no file retention rule is specified.

  • dailyVersions int32

    Custom version rule: Retain daily versions for this many day(s)

  • weeklyVersions int32

    Custom version rule: Retain weekly versions for this many week(s)

  • monthlyVersions int32

    Custom version rule: Retain monthly versions for this many month(s)

  • regionToConfigure object
  • id int32
  • name string
  • associatedUsersAndUserGroups object[]
  • id int32

    This gives Id of user or user group or external user group

  • name string

    This gives name of user or user group or external user group

  • type UserAndUserGroupsType


    Tells what kind of user or user group it is

  • sendInvite boolean

    Default value: true

    If set to true, will send an invite email to the user or group. Default is true.

  • alerts object[]
  • id int32
  • name string
  • allowPlanOverride boolean

    Flag to enable overriding of plan

  • overrideRestrictions object

    To allow the derived plans that use this plan as the base plan to override the settings, property allowPlanOverride must be true, and then select one of the options for Storage pool, RPO , Folders to backup, and Retention.

  • storagePool string

    Possible values: [OPTIONAL, MUST, NOT_ALLOWED]

  • RPO string

    Possible values: [OPTIONAL, MUST, NOT_ALLOWED]

  • backupContent string

    Possible values: [OPTIONAL, MUST, NOT_ALLOWED]

  • retention string

    Possible values: [OPTIONAL, MUST, NOT_ALLOWED]

  • networkResources object
  • throttleSend int32

    Default value: -1

    Maximum kilobits per second to throttle the emitting speed of data. Giving value as -1 means infinite throttle send speed i.e. no limit

  • throttleReceive int32

    Default value: -1

    Maximum kilobits per second to throttle the receiving speed of data. Giving value as -1 means infinite throttle send speed i.e. no limit

  • offlineLaptops object
  • retireAfterDays int32

    Default value: -1

    The offline laptops are retired when the number of days are met. -1 means never.

  • deleteAfterDays int32

    Default value: -1

    The offline laptops are automatically deleted when the number of days are met. -1 means never.



  • errorMessage string
  • errorCode int32