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Get DynamoDB Instance properties


Customer Managed

List the Instance properties of the DynamoDB instance using Instance ID.

Path Parameters
  • Instance_id string required

    ID of instance



  • instanceProperties object[]
  • clientAppType string

    Default value: CLOUDDB

  • isDeleted boolean
  • applicationSize integer
  • excludeFromSLA boolean
  • scIdxEnabled integer
  • isSnapEnabled boolean
  • autoDiscovered boolean
  • instance object

    Instance general properties

  • clientName string

    Name of the client associated

  • instanceName string

    Name of the DynamoDB Instance

  • displayName string
  • instanceId integer
  • instanceGUID string
  • clientId integer
  • appName string
  • applicationId integer
  • entityInfo object
  • companyId integer
  • companyName string
  • multiCommcellId integer
  • securityAssociations object
  • ownerAssociations object
  • tagWithCompany object
  • providerId integer
  • providerDomainName string
  • instanceActivityControl object
  • activityControlOptions object[]
  • activityType string
  • enableAfterADelay boolean
  • enableActivityType boolean
  • security object
  • associatedUserGroups object[]
  • userGroupId integer
  • _type_ string
  • userGroupName string
  • advancedPrivacySettings object
  • isPasskeyFeatureEnabled boolean
  • authType string
  • isPrivacyFeatureEnabled boolean
  • passkeySettings object
  • enableAuthorizeForRestore boolean
  • expirationTime object
  • time integer
  • ownerCapabilities object
  • cloudAppsInstance object
  • instanceType string
  • credentialType string
  • vsCloudVendor integer
  • rdsInstance object
  • accessKey string
  • regionEndPoints string
  • arrayEntity object
  • alibabaInstance object
  • accessKey string
  • hostURL string
  • objectStorageInstance object
  • generalCloudProperties object
  • regionEndPoints string
  • credentials object
  • credentialId integer
  • credentialName string
  • accessNodes object
  • memberServers object[]
  • client object
  • clientId integer
  • clientName string
  • _type_ string
  • amazonInstanceInfo object
  • accessKey string
  • useIamRole boolean
  • planEntity object
  • planType integer
  • planName string
  • planSubtype integer
  • planId integer
  • cloudDBInstance object
  • overRideAccessNode boolean
  • accessNodes object
  • memberServers object[]
  • client object
  • clientId integer
  • clientName string
  • _type_ string