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Get Usage Summary



This API can be used by MSP to query availble pooled usage summary for all customer accounts. Currently we suppot summary for M365 Storage SKU only. Empty list will be returned if pooled storage is not enbaled or customer account doesn't have M365 Storage SKU subscribed

Query Parameters
  • usageMonth string

    Optional - Month for which usage summary is returned If not provided, default to current month



  • data object[]

    List of usage summary

  • usageMonth string

    Month for which pooled usage is returned

  • skuId string

    Service sku ID

  • consumedQuantity integer

    Peak usage quantity up to usageDate in usage month This quantity uses the measurement of our billing unit

  • entitledQuantity integer

    Pre-committed quantity in usage month For commit skus, it's the purchased quantity sent in fulfillment

  • overageQuantity integer

    Quantity used more than entitled quantity in usage month For commit skus, it's consumedQuantity minus entitledQuantity (0 if consumedQuantity is smaller than entitledQuantity)

  • billableQuantity integer

    Quantity that will be charged in usage month consumedQuantity minus entitledQuantity (0 if consumedQuantity is smaller than entitledQuantity)

  • unitPrice integer

    Price for a single billingUnit

  • billingUnit string

    Service unit

  • totalCost integer

    billableQuantity * unitPrice

  • currency string

    Billing currency

  • paymentOption string

    For commit skus, it's "upfront"

GET /api/v1/partner/usage/summary    



Click Edit to configure Base URL
Bearer Token
usageMonth — query
lhAccountId — header
curl -L -X GET '' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>'