Get Job Details
Customer Managed
This opearation returns the details for a job.
Note:If commCellId is not passed, default value 2 is used.- application/json
Request Body
- jobId integer
commcell object
- 200
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- Job Details
- Job Details with a different comm Cell Id
- Job Details - V M Backup
job object
"job": {
"jobDetail": {
"detailInfo": {
"sizeOfApplication": "string",
"transferTime": "string",
"unCompressedBytes": 0,
"dataWritten": "string",
"dataXferedNetwork": "string",
"numOfObjects": 0,
"sizeOfMediaOnDisk": 0,
"savingsPercent": "string",
"startTime": 0,
"throughPut": "string",
"endTime": 0,
"compressedBytes": 0,
"skippedItems": 0
"generalInfo": {
"useScalableResourceAllocation": "string",
"backupType": "string",
"jobStartedFrom": "string",
"startTime": 0,
"jobStartedBy": "string",
"priority": 0,
"totalNumOfFiles": 0,
"jobId": 0,
"softwareCompression": "string",
"systemState": "string",
"operationType": "string",
"taskData": {
"subtaskId": 0,
"taskName": "string",
"taskId": 0
"subclient": {
"clientName": "string",
"instanceName": "string",
"backupsetId": 0,
"instanceId": 0,
"subclientId": 0,
"clientId": 0,
"appName": "string",
"backupsetName": "string",
"applicationId": 0
"destinationClient": {
"clientName": "string"
"progressInfo": {
"reasonForJobDelay": "string",
"state": "string"
"job": {
"jobDetail": {
"detailInfo": {
"sizeOfApplication": "266793",
"transferTime": "27",
"unCompressedBytes": 266793,
"dataWritten": "0",
"dataXferedNetwork": "0",
"numOfObjects": 0,
"sizeOfMediaOnDisk": 0,
"savingsPercent": "100.00",
"startTime": 1497264303,
"throughPut": "0.03",
"endTime": 1497264332,
"compressedBytes": 0,
"skippedItems": 2
"generalInfo": {
"useScalableResourceAllocation": "Unavailable",
"backupType": "Unknown",
"jobStartedFrom": "Interactive",
"startTime": 1497264303,
"jobStartedBy": "testadmin",
"priority": -999,
"totalNumOfFiles": -999,
"jobId": 432,
"softwareCompression": "Off",
"systemState": "No",
"operationType": "Restore",
"taskData": {
"subtaskId": 198,
"taskName": "",
"taskId": 197
"subclient": {
"clientName": "firewalltestcs",
"instanceName": "DefaultInstanceName",
"backupsetId": 3,
"instanceId": 1,
"subclientId": 0,
"clientId": 2,
"appName": "Windows File System",
"backupsetName": "defaultBackupSet",
"applicationId": 33
"destinationClient": {
"clientName": "firewalltestcs"
"progressInfo": {
"reasonForJobDelay": "",
"state": "Completed"
"job": {
"jobDetail": {
"detailInfo": {
"sizeOfApplication": "45633966",
"scanFolderFailures": 0,
"dataWritten": "10881688",
"numOfObjects": 75,
"scanFileFailures": 0,
"startTime": 1636452844,
"skippedItems": 0,
"workflowInputsXml": "",
"failures": "0 Folders, 0 Files",
"backupFileFailures": 0,
"transferTime": "45",
"unCompressedBytes": 45633966,
"dataXferedNetwork": "10895704",
"backupFolderFailures": 0,
"numOfStreams": 4,
"sizeOfMediaOnDisk": 10881688,
"savingsPercent": "76.15",
"throughPut": "3.40",
"endTime": 1636453101,
"compressedBytes": 10664099,
"detailThroughput": {
"readThroughPut": {
"averageThroughput": 2.25
"xmlJobInfo": {
"adminJobInfo": {},
"rstJobInfo": {},
"bkpJobInfo": {
"genericJobDetails": {
"compressionDetails": {
"hardwareCompression": 0
"clientGroups": [
"_type_": 28,
"clientGroupId": 1,
"clientGroupName": "Infrastructure"
"_type_": 28,
"clientGroupId": 3,
"clientGroupName": "Media Agents"
"generalInfo": {
"agingOn": 0,
"vsaParentJobID": 0,
"opType": 4,
"useScalableResourceAllocation": "No",
"readThroughtputInMBPerSec": 0,
"totalFilesToDownload": 0,
"jobStartedBy": "testadmin",
"writeThroughtputInMBPerSec": 0,
"jobAttributes": 288230376151711740,
"jobAttributesEx": 0,
"backupOption": 0,
"priority": 166,
"jobId": 1248,
"operationType": "Backup",
"verificationType": 2,
"scanType": 4,
"snapToTapeStatus": 0,
"backupType": "Full",
"jobStartedFrom": "Interactive",
"startTime": 1636452844,
"jobIdActedOn": 0,
"pendingReasonErrorCode": "",
"mediaInventoryType": 0,
"snapDeferredCatalogStatus": 0,
"dataVerificationType": 3,
"softwareCompression": "Storage Policy",
"systemState": "No",
"encrypted": "No",
"dataSizeInMB": 0,
"workflow": {
"workflowName": ""
"mediaLibrary": {
"libraryId": 0
"logStoragePolicy": {
"storagePolicyName": "",
"storagePolicyId": 0
"destInstance": {
"instanceName": "",
"instanceId": 0
"subclient": {
"clientName": "skma_2",
"instanceName": "DefaultInstanceName",
"displayName": "skma_2",
"backupsetId": 1584,
"instanceId": 1,
"subclientId": 1635,
"clientId": 1325,
"appName": "Windows File System",
"backupsetName": "defaultBackupSet",
"applicationId": 33,
"subclientName": "s-1"
"DDBdetails": {
"sidbStoreId": 0
"storagePolicy": {
"storagePolicyName": "CCM_s-2",
"storagePolicyId": 89
"destinationClient": {
"clientId": 0
"commcell": {
"commCellId": 6
"progressInfo": {
"reasonForJobDelay": "",
"state": "Completed",
"numOfFilesTransferred": 75
"job": {
"jobDetail": {
"detailInfo": {
"sizeOfApplication": "string",
"transferTime": "string",
"unCompressedBytes": 0,
"dataWritten": "string",
"dataXferedNetwork": "string",
"numOfObjects": 0,
"sizeOfMediaOnDisk": 0,
"savingsPercent": "string",
"startTime": 0,
"throughPut": "string",
"endTime": 0,
"compressedBytes": 0,
"skippedItems": 0
"generalInfo": {
"useScalableResourceAllocation": "string",
"backupType": "string",
"jobStartedFrom": "string",
"startTime": 0,
"jobStartedBy": "string",
"priority": 0,
"totalNumOfFiles": 0,
"jobId": 0,
"softwareCompression": "string",
"systemState": "string",
"operationType": "string",
"taskData": {
"subtaskId": 0,
"taskName": "string",
"taskId": 0
"subclient": {
"clientName": "string",
"instanceName": "string",
"backupsetId": 0,
"instanceId": 0,
"subclientId": 0,
"clientId": 0,
"appName": "string",
"backupsetName": "string",
"applicationId": 0
"destinationClient": {
"clientName": "string"
"progressInfo": {
"reasonForJobDelay": "string",
"state": "string"
POST /jobdetails
type: apiKeyname: Authtokenin: header
curl -L -X POST 'https://CommandCenterHostName/commandcenter/api/JobDetails' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authtoken: <API_KEY_VALUE>' \
--data-raw '{
"jobId": 0,
"commcell": {
"commCellId": 0
curl -L -X POST 'https://CommandCenterHostName/commandcenter/api/JobDetails' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authtoken: <API_KEY_VALUE>' \
--data-raw '{
"jobId": 0,
"commcell": {
"commCellId": 0
curl -L -X POST 'https://CommandCenterHostName/commandcenter/api/JobDetails' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authtoken: <API_KEY_VALUE>' \
--data-raw '{
"jobId": 0,
"commcell": {
"commCellId": 0
curl -L -X POST 'https://CommandCenterHostName/commandcenter/api/JobDetails' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authtoken: <API_KEY_VALUE>' \
--data-raw '{
"jobId": 0,
"commcell": {
"commCellId": 0
curl -L -X POST 'https://CommandCenterHostName/commandcenter/api/JobDetails' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authtoken: <API_KEY_VALUE>' \
--data-raw '{
"jobId": 0,
"commcell": {
"commCellId": 0
curl -L -X POST 'https://CommandCenterHostName/commandcenter/api/JobDetails' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authtoken: <API_KEY_VALUE>' \
--data-raw '{
"jobId": 0,
"commcell": {
"commCellId": 0
curl -L -X POST 'https://CommandCenterHostName/commandcenter/api/JobDetails' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authtoken: <API_KEY_VALUE>' \
--data-raw '{
"jobId": 0,
"commcell": {
"commCellId": 0