Get Assessment Discovery Criteria
Query Parameters
- credentialId integer
Credential Id of User Selected Credential
- authType string
Authentication Type
- cloudConnector string
Type of TCO Cloud Connector
- 200
- 500
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
credentialId object[]
id int32name stringrefreshToken TCORefreshToken
RefreshTokenId int32Refresh Token ID
RefreshToken stringRefresh Token
Provider stringCloud Provider name
ErrorMesage stringError message while saving/validating refresh token
ErrorCode int32Error code while saving/validating refresh token
discoveryCriteria object
Model for Workload Discovery Selector Object
criteria WorkloadDiscoveryCriteriaEnumPossible values: [
]Selection criteria for workload discovery while running a TCO Assessment
details object[]
Additional Details related to respective select
id int32name stringvalue string- errorCode CyberResilienceErrorCode
Possible values: [
] - errorMessage string
"credentialId": [
"id": 0,
"name": "string"
"refreshToken": {
"RefreshTokenId": 0,
"RefreshToken": "string",
"Provider": "string",
"ErrorMesage": "string",
"ErrorCode": 0
"discoveryCriteria": {
"criteria": "SUBSCRIPTIONS",
"details": [
"id": 0,
"name": "string",
"value": "string"
"errorCode": "NO_ERROR",
"errorMessage": "string"
Internal Server Error
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
credentialId object[]
id int32name stringrefreshToken TCORefreshToken
RefreshTokenId int32Refresh Token ID
RefreshToken stringRefresh Token
Provider stringCloud Provider name
ErrorMesage stringError message while saving/validating refresh token
ErrorCode int32Error code while saving/validating refresh token
discoveryCriteria object
Model for Workload Discovery Selector Object
criteria WorkloadDiscoveryCriteriaEnumPossible values: [
]Selection criteria for workload discovery while running a TCO Assessment
details object[]
Additional Details related to respective select
id int32name stringvalue string- errorCode CyberResilienceErrorCode
Possible values: [
] - errorMessage string
"credentialId": [
"id": 0,
"name": "string"
"refreshToken": {
"RefreshTokenId": 0,
"RefreshToken": "string",
"Provider": "string",
"ErrorMesage": "string",
"ErrorCode": 0
"discoveryCriteria": {
"criteria": "SUBSCRIPTIONS",
"details": [
"id": 0,
"name": "string",
"value": "string"
"errorCode": "NO_ERROR",
"errorMessage": "string"