Get Protection Group Details
Get the details of a protection group
Path Parameters
- protectionGroupId int32 required
Id of the Protection Group
Header Parameters
- AzureSubscriptionId string required
Azure Subscription Id
- AzureTenantId string required
Azure Tenant Id
- LiftrCorrelationId string required
Liftr Correlation Id
- ArmResourceId string required
Arm Resource Id
- ArmResourceIdForCCA string required
Arm Resource Id For CCA
- 200
- 404
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- id int32
- name string
vmBackupInfo object
vmPendingCount int32VMs pending for Backup
vmProtectedCount int32Protected vm Count
vmNotProtectedCount int32VM Missed to protect count
vmNeverBackedUpCount int32vm never Backed up count
vmBackedUpWithErrorCount int32VM Backed up with error count
vmTotalCount int32Total vm Count
summary object
hypervisorName stringlastBackupTime int32Last Backup time of the VMGroup
lastBackupSize int64Last Backup Job Size
nextBackupTime int32Next Backup Job start time
isDefaultVMGroup booleanDefault value:
True if subclient is default subclient
backupActivityStatus stringCurrent backup activity status
plan object
id int32name stringsubType stringPossible values: [
]region object
id int32Region Id
name stringRegion Name
displayName stringDisplay Name of Region
latitude stringGeolocation Latitude
longitude stringGeolocation Longitude
replicationGroup object
id int32name stringtimeZone object
id int32name stringcontent object
Protection group workload content
virtualMachine object
Virtual Machine content to be protected under a Protection Group
virtualMachines object[]
name stringName of the VM to be added as content
resourceGroup stringResource Group name in which VM is present
ruleGroups object[]
matchRule MatchRulePossible values: [
]Enum which specifies the whether to match all rules or any of the rules
rules object[]
name stringname of the VM to be added as content
type stringPossible values: [
]value stringvalue for the few type of VM Content like powerstate
condition RuleOperationTypePossible values: [
]Operation type for VM rules/filters
GUID stringGUID of the entity to be added as content
displayName stringThe display name of the entity to be added
- workloadType string
Possible values: [
]Protection group workload type
activityControl object
enableBackup booleantrue if Backup is enabled
enableRestore booleantrue if Restore is enabled
backupActivityControlOptions object
activityType stringPossible values: [
]denotes the activity type being considered
enableAfterADelay booleanTrue if the activity will be enabled after a delay time interval
enableActivityType booleanTrue if the activity type is enabled
delayTime object
timeZone object
id int32name stringtime int32delay time in unix timestamp
value stringactual delay time value in string format according to the timezone
restoreActivityControlOptions object
activityType stringPossible values: [
]denotes the activity type being considered
enableAfterADelay booleanTrue if the activity will be enabled after a delay time interval
enableActivityType booleanTrue if the activity type is enabled
delayTime object
timeZone object
id int32name stringtime int32delay time in unix timestamp
value stringactual delay time value in string format according to the timezone
lastBackup object
jobId int32Returns the job id of the last backup job performed.
status stringPossible values: [
]Status of the last backup job performed.
time int64Shows the time when the last back up job was carried out. The time is provided in unix time format.
failureReason stringGives the reason for the last backup job failing, if the last backup job fails.
"id": 0,
"name": "string",
"vmBackupInfo": {
"vmPendingCount": 0,
"vmProtectedCount": 0,
"vmNotProtectedCount": 0,
"vmNeverBackedUpCount": 0,
"vmBackedUpWithErrorCount": 0,
"vmTotalCount": 0
"summary": {
"hypervisorName": "string",
"lastBackupTime": 0,
"lastBackupSize": 0,
"nextBackupTime": 0,
"isDefaultVMGroup": false,
"backupActivityStatus": "string",
"plan": {
"id": 0,
"name": "string",
"subType": "ANY"
"region": {
"id": 0,
"name": "string",
"displayName": "string",
"latitude": "string",
"longitude": "string"
"replicationGroup": {
"id": 0,
"name": "string"
"timeZone": {
"id": 0,
"name": "string"
"content": {
"virtualMachine": {
"virtualMachines": [
"name": "string",
"resourceGroup": "string"
"ruleGroups": [
"matchRule": "ALL",
"rules": [
"name": "string",
"type": "NONE",
"value": "string",
"condition": "CONTAINS",
"GUID": "string",
"displayName": "string"
"workloadType": "VIRTUAL_MACHINE",
"activityControl": {
"enableBackup": true,
"enableRestore": true,
"backupActivityControlOptions": {
"activityType": "BACKUP",
"enableAfterADelay": true,
"enableActivityType": true,
"delayTime": {
"timeZone": {
"id": 0,
"name": "string"
"time": 0,
"value": "string"
"restoreActivityControlOptions": {
"activityType": "BACKUP",
"enableAfterADelay": true,
"enableActivityType": true,
"delayTime": {
"timeZone": {
"id": 0,
"name": "string"
"time": 0,
"value": "string"
"lastBackup": {
"jobId": 0,
"status": "NEVER_BACKED_UP",
"time": 0,
"failureReason": "string"
Requested Details not found
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- errorMessage string
- errorCode int32
"errorMessage": "string",
"errorCode": 0