Get Single Plan Summary
Api to fetch summary of a plan.
Path Parameters
- planId int32 required
Id of the plan to get summary of
- 200
- 400
- 500
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- planType string
Possible values: [
] serverPlan object
plan object
id int32name stringbackupContent object
This feature applies only to file system agents
windowsIncludedPaths string[]Paths to include for Windows
windowsExcludedPaths string[]Paths to exclude for Windows
windowsFilterToExcludePaths string[]Paths that are exception to excluded paths for Windows
backupSystemState booleanDo you want to back up the system state? Applicable only for Windows
backupSystemStateOnlyWithFullBackup booleanDefault value:
Do you want to back up system state only with full backup? Applicable only if the value of backupSystemState is true
useVSSForSystemState booleanDo you want to back up system state with VSS? Applicable only if the value of backupSystemState is true
windowsNumberOfDataReaders object
useOptimal booleanSet optimal number of data readers. if it is set to true, count will be ignored.
count int32Possible values:
>= 1
Number of data readers.
macIncludedPaths string[]Paths to include for Mac
macExcludedPaths string[]Paths to exclude for Mac
macFilterToExcludePaths string[]Paths that are exception to excluded paths for Mac
unixNumberOfDataReaders object
useOptimal booleanSet optimal number of data readers. if it is set to true, count will be ignored.
count int32Possible values:
>= 1
Number of data readers.
unixIncludedPaths string[]Paths to include for UNIX
unixExcludedPaths string[]Paths to exclude for UNIX
unixFilterToExcludePaths string[]Paths that are exception to excluded paths for Unix
macNumberOfDataReaders object
useOptimal booleanSet optimal number of data readers. if it is set to true, count will be ignored.
count int32Possible values:
>= 1
Number of data readers.
forceUpdateProperties booleanDo you want to sync properties on associated subclients even if properties are overriden at subclient level?
rpo object
Recovery Point Objective (RPO) is the maximum amount of time that data can be lost during a service disruption. Your RPO determines the frequency of your backup jobs.
backupFrequency object
schedules object[]
scheduleId int32Id of the schedule if available, required for modifying, deleting schedule
scheduleName stringName of the schedule, for modify
policyId int32Schedule policy Id to which the schedule belongs
scheduleOperation stringPossible values: [
]Default value:
Operation being performed on schedule
vmOperationType stringPossible values: [
]Type of DR operation (only applicable for Failover groups)
backupType stringPossible values: [
]Schedule Backup level
forDatabasesOnly booleanDefault value:
Boolean to indicate if schedule is for database agents
isRetentionBasedSyntheticFull booleanDefault value:
Boolean to indicate if synthetic full schedule is based on retention rules
isAuxCopySchedule booleanDefault value:
Boolean to indicate if schedule is aux copy schedule.
schedulePattern object
Used to describe when the schedule runs
scheduleFrequencyType stringPossible values: [
]schedule frequency type
frequency int32Possible values:
>= 1
Frequency of the schedule based on schedule frequency type eg. for Hours, value 2 is 2 hours, for Minutes, 30 is 30 minutes, for Daily, 2 is 2 days. for Monthly 2 is it repeats every 2 months
weeklyDays string[]Possible values: [
]Days of the week for weekly frequency
dayOfMonth int32Possible values:
>= 1
and<= 31
Day on which to run the schedule, applicable for monthly, yearly
weekOfMonth stringPossible values: [
]Specific week of a month
dayOfWeek stringPossible values: [
]monthOfYear stringPossible values: [
]repeatIntervalInMinutes int32Possible values:
>= 1
How often in minutes in a day the schedule runs, applicable for daily, weekly, monthly and yearly frequency types.
repeatUntilTime int32Until what time to repeat the schedule in a day, requires repeatIntervalInMinutes
timezone object
id int32name stringstartTime int32Default value:
start time of schedule in seconds
startDate int32start date of schedule in epoch format
endDate int32Schedule end date in epoch format
noOfTimes int32The number of times you want the schedule to run.
exceptions object[]
Exceptions to when a schedule should not run, either in dates or week of month and days
onDates int32[]Possible values:
>= 1
and<= 31
list of dates in a month. For ex: 1, 20
onWeekOfTheMonth string[]Possible values: [
]On which week of month, for ex: FIRST, LAST
onDayOfTheWeek string[]Possible values: [
]On which days, for ex: MONDAY, FRIDAY
daysBetweenSyntheticFulls int32Possible values:
>= 6
No of days between two synthetic full jobs
maxBackupIntervalInMins int32Default value:
The number of mins to force a backup on automatic schedule.
calendarId int32Default value:
Custom Calendar Id for the schedule
calendarName stringCustom Calendar name for the schedule
jobStaggerDurationInMins int32Specifies the duration in minutes of how long scheduled jobs can be spread. Applicable for daily, weekly, monthly and yearly frequency types. Value of 0 means job staggering is disabled.
scheduleOption object
Specific options to be set on schedules
useDiskCacheForLogBackups booleanUsed to enable disk caching feature on databases for automatic schedules on server plan
commitFrequencyInHours int32Commit frequency in hours for disk cache backups from automatic schedules
daysBetweenAutoConvert int32Number of days between auto conversion of backup level applicable for databases on incremental and differential schedules of server plan
o365ItemSelectionOption stringPossible values: [
]item backup option for O365 V2 backup jobs
jobRunningTimeInMins int32total job running time in minutes
minBackupIntervalInMins int32Default value:
The min number of mins to check for file activity on automatic schedule.
logFilesThreshold int32Default value:
The min number of archived log files before a backup job should start
logsDiskUtilizationPercent int32Default value:
The min log destination disk threshold percentage
deleteLogsByAppLvlConfig booleanDelete backedup log files by Instance/BackupSet/Subclient settings
additionalInfo stringoperationType stringPossible values: [
]Operation type for the list
backupWindow object[]
Backup window for incremental backup
dayOfWeek string[]Possible values: [
]startTime int64Time in seconds since the beginning of the day
endTime int64Time in seconds since the beginning of the day
fullBackupWindow object[]
Backup window for full backup
dayOfWeek string[]Possible values: [
]startTime int64Time in seconds since the beginning of the day
endTime int64Time in seconds since the beginning of the day
SLA object
A server meets SLA (Service Level Agreement) when all of its subclients have at least one successful backup during the number of days specified at the CommCell, Server Group or plan level.
useSystemDefaultSLA booleanFlag to set to use System Default Service Level Agreement
inheritedSLAPeriod int32Inherited SLA Period in Days
inheritedFrom stringPossible values: [
]Tells us from where SLA Period was inherited
SLAPeriod int32SLA Period in Days
excludeFromSLA booleanFlag to set to exclude plan from SLA
enableAfterDelay int32Time provided in Unix format. Give 0 to reset any existing delay.
exclusionReason stringReason for exclusion from SLA
logSLAMinutes int32Database log SLA period in Minutes
regionsConfigured booleanSpecifies if the destinations are associated to regions
backupDestinations object[]
Backup destinations for the plan
planBackupDestination object
id int32name stringnetAppCloudTarget booleanOnly for snap copy. Tells if the snap copy supports SVM Mapping to NetApp cloud targets only.
isImmutableSnapCopy booleanOnly for snap copy. Tells if the snap copy has immutable option enabled.
isDefault booleanIs this a default backup destination?
isCopyInMaintenanceMode booleanIs this copy in Maintenance mode?
isCopyPromotionRequestSubmitted booleanIs copy promotion request submitted for this copy?
isConfiguredForReplication booleanUsed if the copy is used for replication group
isSnapCopy booleanIs this a snap copy?
isMirrorCopy booleanIs this a mirror copy?
isAirgapCopy booleanSet to true if this copy uses Airgap storage
isSourceBackupCopy booleanIs this the source snap copy for backup copy operations?
isSourceCatalog booleanIs this the source snap copy for deferred catalog operations?
copyTypePossible values: [
]copyTypeNamePossible values: [
]copyPrecedence int32Order of backup destinaion copy created in storage policy
storagePool object
id int32Id of Storage Pool
name stringName of Storage Pool
typePossible values: [
]Type of Storage Pool
retentionPeriodDays int32Retention period of pool in days
wormStoragePoolFlag int32Bit flag indicating WORM configuration of storage pool. 0 means no lock, 1 means compliance lock, 2 means worm storage lock, 4 means Object worm lock and 8 means bucket worm lock.
deviceType object
id int32Device Type Id of the storage.
name stringPossible values: [
]Device type of the storage.
storageClass stringPossible values: [
]Storage class of the Storage Pool
isArchiveStorage booleanFlag indicating whether the storage tier is archive.
region object
id int32name stringdisplayName stringstorageType StorageTypePossible values: [
]sourceCopy object
id int32name stringregion object
id int32name stringdisplayName stringbackupsToCopy stringPossible values: [
]All_JOBS means SYNCHRONOUS copy type, others are applicable for SELECTIVE copy Type only.
fullBackupTypesToCopy PlanFullBackupTypeToCopyPossible values: [
]Which type of backup type should be copied for the given backup destination when backup type is not all jobs. Default is LAST while adding new backup destination.
backupStartTime int32Backup start time in number of seconds. The time is provided in unix time format.
enableDataAging booleanTells if this copy has data aging enabled
overrideRetentionSettings booleanTells if this copy should use storage pool retention period days or the retention defined for this copy. Set as true to use retention defined on this copy.
retentionRuleType RententionRuleTypesPossible values: [
]Which type of retention rule should be used for the given backup destination
retentionPeriodDays int32Possible values:
>= 1
and<= 9999
Retention period in days
snapRecoveryPoints int32Number of snap recovery points for snap copy for retention
useExtendedRetentionRules booleanShould extended retention rules be used
extendedRetentionRules object
If you want to update, specify the whole object. Extended retention rules should be bigger than retention period.
firstExtendedRetentionRule object
isInfiniteRetention booleanIf this is set as true, no need to specify retentionPeriodDays.
retentionPeriodDays int32If this is set, no need to specify isInfiniteRetention as false.
type stringPossible values: [
]All_JOBS means SYNCHRONOUS copy type, others are applicable for SELECTIVE copy Type only.
secondExtendedRetentionRule object
isInfiniteRetention booleanIf this is set as true, no need to specify retentionPeriodDays.
retentionPeriodDays int32If this is set, no need to specify isInfiniteRetention as false.
type stringPossible values: [
]All_JOBS means SYNCHRONOUS copy type, others are applicable for SELECTIVE copy Type only.
thirdExtendedRetentionRule object
isInfiniteRetention booleanIf this is set as true, no need to specify retentionPeriodDays.
retentionPeriodDays int32If this is set, no need to specify isInfiniteRetention as false.
type stringPossible values: [
]All_JOBS means SYNCHRONOUS copy type, others are applicable for SELECTIVE copy Type only.
mappings object[]
vendorPossible values: [
]Snapshot vendors available for Snap Copy mappings
source object
id int32name stringtarget object
id int32name stringsourceVendor object
id int32name stringtargetVendor object
id int32name stringsubclients object[]
id int32name stringmappingTypePossible values: [
]Mapping type for pure storage replicaton
storageTemplateTags object[]
It is used in Global config template plan creation. Needs in plan creation on global commcell
id int32name stringvalue stringbackupDestinationIds int32[]Primary Backup Destination Ids associated to this plan.
databaseOptions object
This feature applies only to database agents
logBackupRPOMins int32Log backup RPO in minutes
runFullBackupEvery int32Full backup frequency in days
useDiskCacheForLogBackups booleanUse disk cache for log backups
commitFrequencyInHours int32Commit frequency in hours
snapshotOptions object
This feature applies only to File System Agents
enableBackupCopy booleanFlag to enable backup copy
backupCopyRPOMins int32Backup copy RPO in minutes
backupCopyFrequency object
Used to describe the frequency of backup
scheduleFrequencyType stringPossible values: [
]Default value:
schedule frequency type
frequency int32Possible values:
>= 1
Default value:
Frequency of the schedule based on schedule frequency type eg. for Hours, value 2 is 2 hours, for Minutes, 30 is 30 minutes, for Daily, 2 is 2 days. for Monthly 2 is it repeats every 2 months
weeklyDays string[]Possible values: [
]Days of the week for weekly frequency
dayOfMonth int32Possible values:
>= 1
and<= 31
Day on which to run the schedule, applicable for monthly, yearly
weekOfMonth stringPossible values: [
]Specific week of a month
dayOfWeek stringPossible values: [
]monthOfYear stringPossible values: [
]startTime int32Default value:
start time of schedule in seconds for daily, weekly, monthly, yearly frequency
enableSnapCatalog booleanFlag to enable deferred snapshot cataloging
backupCopyOptions object
Options for snap management with backup copy
backupTypeToCopy BackupCopyFullBackupTypePossible values: [
]Backup type to copy for backup copy operation and deferred cataloging.
backupFullToCopy PlanFullBackupTypeToCopyPossible values: [
]Which type of backup type should be copied for the given backup destination when backup type is not all jobs. Default is LAST while adding new backup destination.
startTime int32Snapshots to be copied from a particular time in unix time format. By default, 0 means since the inception of the snap copy.
enableAlert booleanFlag to enable backup copy fallen behind alert
alertInHours int32Default value:
Alert to throw when backup copy falls behind in hours
action backupCopyFallenBehindActionPossible values: [
]Which type of action should be followed if backup copy falls behind
skipAfterThresholdDays int32Default value:
The allowable delay in days before a backup copy job is considered overdue
syncError stringError message to indicate the cause of sync issue (if any) between CommServ DB and Command center with respect to snapshot options.
deferredCatalogOptions object
Options for snap management with deferred cataloging.
backupTypeToCopy BackupCopyFullBackupTypePossible values: [
]Backup type to copy for backup copy operation and deferred cataloging.
startTime int32Snapshots to be copied from a particular time in unix time format. By default, 0 means since the inception of the snap copy.
backupFullToCopy PlanFullBackupTypeToCopyPossible values: [
]Which type of backup type should be copied for the given backup destination when backup type is not all jobs. Default is LAST while adding new backup destination.
settings object
fileSearch object
This feature applies to file servers and virtualization. Enabling this feature allows you to search for backed-up files using the global search bar, and creates resource pools with required infrastructure entities.
enabled booleanFlag for enabling indexing
status stringPossible values: [
]Default value:
Type of indexing status.
statusMessage stringTells what is happening behind the scene, so that user can knows why indexing is not enabled or if its in progress
errors object[]
File search was enabled on plan but failed to process some of the storage pool(s) with these errors
storage object
id int32name stringerrorCode int32errorMessage stringTells about the error occured during file search setup for given storage pool
enableAdvancedView booleanSetting to suggest plan has some advanced settings present. Setting is OEM specific and not applicable for all cases.
deviceStreams int32Default value:
For each region, the data to backup is divided into these many streams while writing to backup destination.
upgradedFromStoragePolicy booleanSetting to suggest plan was created from PolicyToPlan workflow. If true, editing RPO is not allowed.
associatedEntities object[]
id int32name stringcount int32allowPlanOverride booleanIs deriving and overriding the plan allowed
overrideRestrictions object
To allow the derived plans that use this plan as the base plan to override the settings, property allowPlanOverride must be true, and then select one of the options for Storage pool, RPO and backup Content.
backupContent stringPossible values: [
]storagePool stringPossible values: [
]RPO stringPossible values: [
]inheritSettings object
basePlan object
id int32name stringstoragePool object
overrideBase stringPossible values: [
]overridden booleanFlag telling if this setting is currently being overriden
RPO object
overrideBase stringPossible values: [
]overridden booleanFlag telling if this setting is currently being overriden
backupContent object
overrideBase stringPossible values: [
]overridden booleanFlag telling if this setting is currently being overriden
parentInheritSettings object
basePlan object
id int32name stringstoragePool object
overrideBase stringPossible values: [
]overridden booleanFlag telling if this setting is currently being overriden
RPO object
overrideBase stringPossible values: [
]overridden booleanFlag telling if this setting is currently being overriden
backupContent object
overrideBase stringPossible values: [
]overridden booleanFlag telling if this setting is currently being overriden
permissions object[]
id int32name stringadditionalProperties object
RPO int32The least RPO in minutes for the plan
addons object
database booleanDatabase options should be shown with this plan
fileSystem booleanFile system options should be shown with this plan
snap booleanSnap options should be shown with this plan
snapStatus stringPossible values: [
]indexCopy booleanIndex copy options should be shown with this plan
status stringPossible values: [
]status if plan backups are enabled or disabled
workload object
workloadTypes object[]
id int32name stringworkloadGroupTypes WorkloadGroup[]Possible values: [
]solutions object[]
id int32name stringglobalConfigInfo object
Only applicable on Global CommCells
id stringname stringcommcells object[]
List of Service CommCells where the global configuration is applied
id int32name stringguid stringdisplayName stringcompanies object[]
List of companies where the global configuration is applied
id int32name stringguid stringscope stringThe entity level at which the config is applied.
scopeFilterQuery stringCommCellEntityCache filter query string used for filtering the scope
applyOnAllCommCells booleanDecides whether the global configuration should be applied to all the Service commcells, including the newly created ones
applyOnAllCompanies booleanDecides whether the global configuration should be applied to all the companies, including the newly created ones
isMarkedForDeletion booleanIndicates whether global configuration deletion has been started.
status stringlaptopPlan object
plan object
id int32name stringgeneral object
users int32Number of users associated with this plan
laptops int32Number of laptops associated with this plan
optimizedForCloudBackups booleanDefault value:
This feature allows laptops to write backup directly to the cloud storage. It helps to optimize scale by reducing server dependency and extra data hops. Once the feature is enabled, the existing and the newly-added laptops use optimized backups.
storageResourcePoolMap object[]
Optimization for cloud backups can only be used when resource pool are configured for atleast one storage.
storage object
id int32name stringresources object[]
List of resources mapped to the storage
appType stringPossible values: [
]resourcePool object
id int32name stringallowedFeatures object
Get details about allowed features of a laptop plan
archiving booleanFlag to enable archiving of laptop data
archivingRules object
These rules are enforced only when archiving is set to true
startCleaningIfLessThan int32Default value:
When free disk space falls below specified amount (in percentage), start cleaning up the disk
stopCleaningIfupto int32Default value:
When free disk space more than specified amount (in percentage), stop cleaning up the disk
fileAccessTimeOlderThan int32Default value:
To archive files based on the last accessed date of each file within the folder, specify the number of days
fileModifiedTimeOlderThan int32Default value:
To archive files based on the last modified date of each file within the folder, specify the number of days
fileCreatedTimeOlderThan int32To archive files based on the time the files were created within the folder, specify the number of days
fileSizeGreaterThan int32Default value:
To archive files based on the size of the file, specify the minimum file size in KB. All files whose size ranges between the minimum and maximum values are archived.
maximumFileSize int32To archive files based on the size of the file, specify the maximum file size in KB. All files whose size ranges between the minimum and maximum values are archived.
archiveReadOnlyFiles booleanDefault value:
To archive files based on the Read-Only attribute, set to TRUE
afterArchivingPossible values: [
]After an archive job, replace the file that meets the archiving rules with a stub or delete the file that meets the archiving rules
DLP booleanFlag to enable Data loss protection
edgeDrive booleanFlag to enable Edge Drive
edgeDriveSettings object
indexServer object
id int32name stringauditDriveOperations booleanEnable auditing which logs the activities based on user interaction like creating, editing, moving, renaming, downloading or deleting files.
notificationsForShares booleanEnables alert notification feature which allows the share user or share owner to subscribe for share notifications when any activities are performed on the Edge Drive or the Collaborative share. The user can receive the notifications on the Web Console or as an email notification.
edgeDriveQuota int32Maximum number of gigabytes that you can store in the Edge Drive. Value as -1 means no quota is set.
rpo object
backupFrequency int32Specify incremental backup frequency in minutes. Backup operation will start as per the time zone of the associated server.
SLA object
A server meets SLA (Service Level Agreement) when all of its subclients have at least one successful backup during the number of days specified at the CommCell, Server Group or plan level.
useSystemDefaultSLA booleanFlag to set to use System Default Service Level Agreement
inheritedSLAPeriod int32Inherited SLA Period in Days
inheritedFrom stringPossible values: [
]Tells us from where SLA Period was inherited
SLAPeriod int32SLA Period in Days
excludeFromSLA booleanFlag to set to exclude plan from SLA
enableAfterDelay int32Time provided in Unix format. Give 0 to reset any existing delay.
exclusionReason stringReason for exclusion from SLA
logSLAMinutes int32Database log SLA period in Minutes
backupContent object
windowsIncludedPaths string[]Default value:
Paths to include for Windows
windowsExcludedPaths string[]Default value:
<WKF,AppData>,<WKF,LocalAppData>,Disk Images,Executable,Temporary Files (Windows),C:\Program Files,C:\Program Files (x86),C:\Windows
Paths to exclude for Windows
macIncludedPaths string[]Default value:
Paths to include for Mac
macExcludedPaths string[]Default value:
Disk Images,Executable,Temporary Files (Mac),/Library,<WKF,Library>
Paths to exclude for Mac
unixIncludedPaths string[]Default value:
Paths to include for UNIX
unixExcludedPaths string[]Default value:
Disk Images,Executable,Temporary Files (Linux)
Paths to exclude for UNIX
fileSystemQuota int32Default value:
Maximum number of gigabytes that you can store in the File System. Giving value as -1 means infinite file system quota.
regionsConfigured booleanSpecifies if the destinations are associated to regions
backupDestinations object[]
planBackupDestination object
id int32name stringnetAppCloudTarget booleanOnly for snap copy. Tells if the snap copy supports SVM Mapping to NetApp cloud targets only.
isImmutableSnapCopy booleanOnly for snap copy. Tells if the snap copy has immutable option enabled.
isDefault booleanIs this a default backup destination?
isCopyInMaintenanceMode booleanIs this copy in Maintenance mode?
isCopyPromotionRequestSubmitted booleanIs copy promotion request submitted for this copy?
isConfiguredForReplication booleanUsed if the copy is used for replication group
isSnapCopy booleanIs this a snap copy?
isMirrorCopy booleanIs this a mirror copy?
isAirgapCopy booleanSet to true if this copy uses Airgap storage
isSourceBackupCopy booleanIs this the source snap copy for backup copy operations?
isSourceCatalog booleanIs this the source snap copy for deferred catalog operations?
copyTypePossible values: [
]copyTypeNamePossible values: [
]copyPrecedence int32Order of backup destinaion copy created in storage policy
storagePool object
id int32Id of Storage Pool
name stringName of Storage Pool
typePossible values: [
]Type of Storage Pool
retentionPeriodDays int32Retention period of pool in days
wormStoragePoolFlag int32Bit flag indicating WORM configuration of storage pool. 0 means no lock, 1 means compliance lock, 2 means worm storage lock, 4 means Object worm lock and 8 means bucket worm lock.
deviceType object
id int32Device Type Id of the storage.
name stringPossible values: [
]Device type of the storage.
storageClass stringPossible values: [
]Storage class of the Storage Pool
isArchiveStorage booleanFlag indicating whether the storage tier is archive.
region object
id int32name stringdisplayName stringstorageType StorageTypePossible values: [
]sourceCopy object
id int32name stringregion object
id int32name stringdisplayName stringbackupsToCopy stringPossible values: [
]All_JOBS means SYNCHRONOUS copy type, others are applicable for SELECTIVE copy Type only.
fullBackupTypesToCopy PlanFullBackupTypeToCopyPossible values: [
]Which type of backup type should be copied for the given backup destination when backup type is not all jobs. Default is LAST while adding new backup destination.
backupStartTime int32Backup start time in number of seconds. The time is provided in unix time format.
enableDataAging booleanTells if this copy has data aging enabled
overrideRetentionSettings booleanTells if this copy should use storage pool retention period days or the retention defined for this copy. Set as true to use retention defined on this copy.
retentionRuleType RententionRuleTypesPossible values: [
]Which type of retention rule should be used for the given backup destination
retentionPeriodDays int32Possible values:
>= 1
and<= 9999
Retention period in days
snapRecoveryPoints int32Number of snap recovery points for snap copy for retention
useExtendedRetentionRules booleanShould extended retention rules be used
extendedRetentionRules object
If you want to update, specify the whole object. Extended retention rules should be bigger than retention period.
firstExtendedRetentionRule object
isInfiniteRetention booleanIf this is set as true, no need to specify retentionPeriodDays.
retentionPeriodDays int32If this is set, no need to specify isInfiniteRetention as false.
type stringPossible values: [
]All_JOBS means SYNCHRONOUS copy type, others are applicable for SELECTIVE copy Type only.
secondExtendedRetentionRule object
isInfiniteRetention booleanIf this is set as true, no need to specify retentionPeriodDays.
retentionPeriodDays int32If this is set, no need to specify isInfiniteRetention as false.
type stringPossible values: [
]All_JOBS means SYNCHRONOUS copy type, others are applicable for SELECTIVE copy Type only.
thirdExtendedRetentionRule object
isInfiniteRetention booleanIf this is set as true, no need to specify retentionPeriodDays.
retentionPeriodDays int32If this is set, no need to specify isInfiniteRetention as false.
type stringPossible values: [
]All_JOBS means SYNCHRONOUS copy type, others are applicable for SELECTIVE copy Type only.
mappings object[]
vendorPossible values: [
]Snapshot vendors available for Snap Copy mappings
source object
id int32name stringtarget object
id int32name stringsourceVendor object
id int32name stringtargetVendor object
id int32name stringsubclients object[]
id int32name stringmappingTypePossible values: [
]Mapping type for pure storage replicaton
storageTemplateTags object[]
It is used in Global config template plan creation. Needs in plan creation on global commcell
id int32name stringvalue stringretention object
deletedItemRetention int32Default value:
Amount of days after deletion of files to keep the items. Giving value as -1 means to retain files indefinitely.
fileVersions object
Can retain file versions for one of following three cases: days versions custom versions (daily, weekly monthly) If not defined then, 5 versions are considered the default setting.
days int32Retain files for this many days. Year(s) or month(s) need to be converted to day(s)
versions int32Default value:
Retain this many file versions. This is considered as default if no file retention rule is specified.
dailyVersions int32Custom version rule: Retain daily versions for this many day(s)
weeklyVersions int32Custom version rule: Retain weekly versions for this many week(s)
monthlyVersions int32Custom version rule: Retain monthly versions for this many month(s)
associatedUsersAndUserGroups object[]
id int32This gives Id of user or user group or external user group
name stringThis gives name of user or user group or external user group
type UserAndUserGroupsTypePossible values: [
]Tells what kind of user or user group it is
sendInvite booleanDefault value:
If set to true, will send an invite email to the user or group. Default is true.
alerts object[]
id int32name stringallowPlanOverride booleanFlag to enable overriding of plan
overrideRestrictions object
To allow the derived plans that use this plan as the base plan to override the settings, property allowPlanOverride must be true, and then select one of the options for Storage pool, RPO , Folders to backup, and Retention.
storagePool stringPossible values: [
]RPO stringPossible values: [
]backupContent stringPossible values: [
]retention stringPossible values: [
]inheritSettings object
basePlan object
id int32name stringstoragePool object
overrideBase stringPossible values: [
]overridden booleanFlag telling if this setting is currently being overriden
RPO object
overrideBase stringPossible values: [
]overridden booleanFlag telling if this setting is currently being overriden
backupContent object
overrideBase stringPossible values: [
]overridden booleanFlag telling if this setting is currently being overriden
retention object
overrideBase stringPossible values: [
]overridden booleanFlag telling if this setting is currently being overriden
offlineLaptops object
retireAfterDays int32Default value:
The offline laptops are retired when the number of days are met. -1 means never.
deleteAfterDays int32Default value:
The offline laptops are automatically deleted when the number of days are met. -1 means never.
networkResources object
throttleSend int32Default value:
Maximum kilobits per second to throttle the emitting speed of data. Giving value as -1 means infinite throttle send speed i.e. no limit
throttleReceive int32Default value:
Maximum kilobits per second to throttle the receiving speed of data. Giving value as -1 means infinite throttle send speed i.e. no limit
permissions object[]
id int32name stringadditionalProperties object
RPO int32The least RPO in minutes for the plan
addons object
database booleanDatabase options should be shown with this plan
fileSystem booleanFile system options should be shown with this plan
snap booleanSnap options should be shown with this plan
snapStatus stringPossible values: [
]indexCopy booleanIndex copy options should be shown with this plan
status stringPossible values: [
]status if plan backups are enabled or disabled
ownerPermissions object[]
permissionId int32permissionName stringcategoryId int32categoryName stringtype stringPossible values: [
]Returns the type of association.
exclude booleanFlag to specify if this is included permission or excluded permission.
"planType": "Server",
"serverPlan": {
"plan": {
"id": 0,
"name": "string"
"backupContent": {
"windowsIncludedPaths": [
"windowsExcludedPaths": [
"windowsFilterToExcludePaths": [
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Bad Request
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- errorMessage string
- errorCode int32
"errorMessage": "string",
"errorCode": 0
Internal Server Error
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- errorMessage string
- errorCode int32
"errorMessage": "string",
"errorCode": 0