Update all the included/excluded entities of backupdestination.
Update all the included/excluded entities of backupdestination.
Path Parameters
- planId int32 required
- backupDestinationId int32 required
- application/json
Request Body
- updateApplicableForFutureJobs boolean
If set to true, then only future jobs will honour this update.
associations object[]
List of selected/excluded entities to be associated with backup destination.
id int32id of the associated entity
name stringname of the associated entity
flags object
These flags are used to specify the type of association between the entity and the backupdestination.
disabled booleanIf set to true, the entity is disabled for current user.
include booleanIf set to true, this entity and its child entities are included for auxcopy
exclude booleanIf set to true, this entity and its child entities are excluded for auxcopy
subclientType stringPossible values: [
]Only applicable for subclient entity. Type of subclient entity.
type stringPossible values: [
]parentEntity1 object
parentEntity1 can start from SERVER_ENTITY or SERVER_GROUP_ENTITY and subsequentily ending up at parentEntity4 or parentEntity5 with Backupset.
id int32id of the associated entity
name stringname of the associated entity
type stringPossible values: [
]parentEntity2 object
parentEntity1 can start from SERVER_ENTITY or SERVER_GROUP_ENTITY and subsequentily ending up at parentEntity4 or parentEntity5 with Backupset.
id int32id of the associated entity
name stringname of the associated entity
type stringPossible values: [
]parentEntity3 object
parentEntity1 can start from SERVER_ENTITY or SERVER_GROUP_ENTITY and subsequentily ending up at parentEntity4 or parentEntity5 with Backupset.
id int32id of the associated entity
name stringname of the associated entity
type stringPossible values: [
]parentEntity4 object
parentEntity1 can start from SERVER_ENTITY or SERVER_GROUP_ENTITY and subsequentily ending up at parentEntity4 or parentEntity5 with Backupset.
id int32id of the associated entity
name stringname of the associated entity
type stringPossible values: [
]parentEntity5 object
parentEntity1 can start from SERVER_ENTITY or SERVER_GROUP_ENTITY and subsequentily ending up at parentEntity4 or parentEntity5 with Backupset.
id int32id of the associated entity
name stringname of the associated entity
type stringPossible values: [
- 200
- 404
- 500
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- errorMessage string
- errorCode int32
"errorMessage": "string",
"errorCode": 0
Requested Details not found
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- errorMessage string
- errorCode int32
"errorMessage": "string",
"errorCode": 0
Server Error
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- errorMessage string
- errorCode int32
"errorMessage": "string",
"errorCode": 0