Update Recovery Group
Update Recovery Group
Path Parameters
- recoveryGroupId integer required
Recovery group Id
- application/json
Request Body
- id int32
Id of the recovery group
- name string
Name of the recovery group
target object
id int32name string- vendor string
Possible values: [
] - entityCount int32
Number of entities associated with recovery group
postRecoveryActions object[]
path stringThe path of the script to be executed. Can be local path on VM or UNC path accessible by access node
type stringPossible values: [
]The type of path being used for DR operation script
scriptCredentials object
savedCredentials object
id int32name stringcredentials object
name stringusername to access the network path
password stringpassword to access the network path
guestCredentials object
savedCredentials object
id int32name stringcredentials object
name stringusername to access the network path
password stringpassword to access the network path
guid stringUnique script identifier string
scriptContent stringContent of the script to be executed
scriptName stringName of the script
reset booleanOn set to true, resets the script to empty
osType stringPossible values: [
]OS types
- delayBetweenPriorityMachines int32
The delay between machines in different priorities in minutes
- continueOnFailure boolean
Default value:
Set to true to continue to the next priority machines on failure
- powerOffDestinationVMPostRecoveryAndValidation boolean
Default value:
Set to false if destination Vm is powered on post recovery and validation
- action RecoveryAction
Possible values: [
]Recovery Action
recoveryPointDetails object
Contains the information regarding the recovery group level recoveryPoint selection
recoveryPoint int32Timestamp for group restore in case of disaster
recoveryPointCategory stringPossible values: [
]Default value:
Type of recovery point category
- recoveryPoint int32
Timestamp for group restore in case of disaster
recoveryExpirationOptions object
enableExpirationOption booleanDefault value:
If true, cleans up recovered VMs after the set daysToExpire value
daysToExpire int32Default value:
Number of days after which recovered VMs are automatically cleaned up
isRescuedCommServe booleanWhether the CommServe is rescued or not
expirationTime int32Timestamp when the clean up of all recovered VMs happens on the rescued CommServe. It happens 4 hours before the CommServe expiration time
threatScan object
enableThreatScan booleanDefault value:
A boolean that indicates whether threat scan is required
enableWindowsDefenderScan booleanDefault value:
A boolean that specifies whether a windows defender scan is required
totalThreats int32Total number of threats found for the group
threatInfo object
The type and number of threats found
count int32The number of threats found per threat type
threatType stringThe name of the threat
- 200
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
recoveryGroup object
id int32name stringerror object
errorMessage stringerrorCode int32
"recoveryGroup": {
"id": 0,
"name": "string"
"error": {
"errorMessage": "string",
"errorCode": 0